
Modern Living in BRIA Homes

October 25, 2019

Modern Living in BRIA Homes For the longest time, it has become the norm for average Filipino families to settle for whatever is available, to manage with less, or to reduce their expectations. This is especially true when it comes to choosing the homes they live in. They are willing to forego aesthetics for an […]

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BRIA Homes focuses on expanding in Visayas and Mindanao

October 7, 2019

BRIA Homes focuses on expanding  in Visayas and Mindanao For the past decades, Filipinos had perceived progress as Manila-centric, with their vision and goals aligned with this mindset. Moving to the national capital region, where employment and business opportunities abound, was the dream- come-true. Times have changed, however. With continuous economic growth in regions outside […]

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