
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


I Vote for Green M&Ms Because I’m Green-Minded, Are You? Vote & Win!

June 9, 2011

Do you ever care what color do you put and play in your mouth?  Oooppss.. I don’t want to sound too GREEN on that, but I am talking about M&M’s®. chocolate. True to that tagline that it melts in your mouth, not in your hand – what is your favorite M&M’s® color?

It’s time to vote for your favorite M&M’s®® CandyDate and stand a chance to win the grand prize -M&M’s®’s® merchandise worth US$1,000 available on the M&M’s® World website — and up to 450 bi-weekly prizes including a set of five M&M’s® keyrings and an M&M’s® dispenser.

But before you cast your vote, let me ask you some questions.. Are you a supporter of environment? Are you eating healthy (with all those GREEN leafy vegetables?)? Are you a supporter of GREEN Archers? Do you think Green Lantern rocks? Do you love those eco bags? Do you think you simply love to GRIN?

If you answered YES, you made a right choice to go Green! So vote for Green!

I love Green because that M&M’s® character on top looks just soo sassy yet elegant. We both love shopping but we do care about our environment.

Ms. Green is a delicious embodiment of woman of today – she is smart, strong, sexy and GREEN! Look at that sexy GRIN!

I am sure that every fun, fearless chic would want to be like Ms. Green, and all the hot bachelors would love to have her as her CandyDate!

Vote for Ms. Green now and get a chance to win exciting prizes. Click here to vote for MS. GREEN!

But wait, there is more. I would be giving a pack of M&Ms to one lucky supporter. Just help me campaign for Ms. GREEN!

1. Vote for Ms. Green and leave a comment below if you just did. [1 point]

2. Like my Facebook Fan Page at Post a status message in Facebook which says “I voted for @Ruthilicious’ Green M&Ms! Vote and win at @Friend 1, @Friend 2, @Friend 3, @Friend 4, @Friend 5″ [5 points]

Tag me on your post and tag 5 friends.

Don’t forget to set your status viewable to EVERYONE.

3. Follow me on Twitter at Tweet: I voted for @Ruthilicious’ Green M&Ms! Vote and win at”. The tiny url would route you to this page. [4 points]

4. Once done, leave comments below with your name, and twitter username. One would get total of 10 points just by helping me campaign for Ms. Green and you would get a chance for a pack of M&Ms (not to mention the grand prize for the Voting Contest!).

Would be sending the update when the campaign would end.

Just help me campaign for Ms. Green and just Grin 🙂

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