
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


8 Magical Moments That Could Happen to You in 2019

January 18, 2019
8 Magical Moments That Could Happen to You in 2019
When you really want something and you work hard for it, the forces of universe will make it happen. I always believe in that. It pays to stay positive and work for our goals. 
Here are some of the 8 magical moments that I hope we will all be blessed with.

Win an All-Expense Paid Trip!
There are many seat sale and flight deals but it would be awesome to fly for free and win an all-expense paid trip! 

Get Noticed by Your Favorite Artist
Now, you don’t need to buy VIP tickets to get close or be noticed by your favorite artist. Social media can bring your closer to your favorite artist with just a simple tag. 
I have an awesome experience of getting a hug from Donnie Wahlberg (if you know New Kids on the Block) during their concert in Manila. I felt that my VIP Ticket purchase was so worth it! 
Get a Recognition

Recognition nowadays doesn’t just come from the office – but also from different things and work that we do. Dedication and hardwork really pay off. Don’t lose that drive!
Learning a New Skill
Be it learning to play a musical instrument, speaking a new language or driving, your parents and friends will sure be proud of your achievement. 
Conquering Your Fear / Crossing Out Items in Your Travel Bucket List
Travels are a lot more memorable when we do something really epic – something that we would never get tired of sharing with our friends. Think of jumping off the plane, go cliff diving or even as simple as visiting a shot location spot. It is always good to surprise yourself!
Launch Your Passion Project
Think of that one idea that you always wanted to share with the world. You will be surprised by the support of your friends and family. Go and launch it. It might save the world. 
Get Noticed by Your Crush

One of my simple magical moments is getting noticed by my crush. Simple things truly make the biggest kiligs. Who knows it might turn into something more meaningful?

Bring a Little Magic to Those in Need
We all need a little magic in our lives. While we wait for fairy tales, it could be that we are someone else’s fairy godmother. 
Simple things like donating pre-loved items, sharing knowledge and being there someone can make a huge difference. 
Interestingly, these unbelievably magical moments don’t always come by, but it doesn’t take much for them to happen either. Sometimes the big magical moments are simple things just like sharing Magic Crackers with family and friends.
What are your favorite magical moments?

*This post is in partnership with Magic Crackers inspired by the article originally posted by 8list.

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