I hear you. We all wanted to stay focused on our fitness and wellness goals, however, the most challenging part of the journey is finding healthy food which is readily available (online). Thankfully, honestbee, my favorite online concierge and delivery service now brings healthy products right at our doorstep. I am excited to learn about […]
Tag: honestbee
Shop Wisely this Holiday Season: honestbee x Shopwise I am quite happy that little by little, I am embracing practicality and minimalism – from clothing, how I spend my time, shopping habits and small decisions I make everyday. This Holiday Season though (even if we do not celebrate Christmas), I also found myself rushing to […]
You Can Now Order from The Marketplace by Rustan’s via honestbee Manila traffic situation is lifestyle-threatening. While the most wonderful time of the year is around, it also the time when we feel more stressed with all the preparation and planning for gatherings and parties.  Now, you can take shopping off your errand list, […]
honestbee ph x S&R: Grocery and Food Delivery They are not kidding when they say the phone is now the remote control of our life. We can make things possible with just a simple click – pay bills, book a flight and even buy groceries. honestbee is one of my favorite apps. It saves me […]
honestbee in Philippines: Grocery Delivery Service Although doing grocery is one of my favorite things to do on a weekend, I hate doing the trip when I tend to be so busy. Here is an answered prayer – honestbee, an app that works like a personal concierge is now in Manila and can be used […]