
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by SvelTi

March 13, 2017
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Big news! We just discovered the best and most effective treatment for acne scars from Svelt’i called Emerge! There is now cure for deep ice pick acne scars and my friend (and elf – as I fondly calls him) Duane Bacon  (lifestyle blogger) can testify to it. 
I have actually seen the improvement on his skin. All I needed to do was look at his Before and After Photos to be convinced and book a treatment!
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Duane is on his third session with Emerge
Svelt’i is a health and beauty center that offers advanced and state-of-the-art technology in skin and body care. 
Recently, a new treatment was launched called Emerge. Emerge is a non-invasive, non-surgical approach that uses laser technology to do lasting work under the affected layer of the skin. Emerge is more effective because it addresses the skin issue on its roots. 
Emerge triggers the collagen production under the skin of the affected area such as scar on the cheek, a wrinkle on the forehead, or stretchmark on the stomach. 
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Dr Lalaine Salazar, Medical Director of Svelt’i Health and Beauty Center shared:

The healing that Emerge provides last longer because it focuses on the affected area of the skin which lie a few layers below the epidermis or the surface. Fractional skin resurfacing with Palomar uses laser energy microbeams to create new layer of the skin on the affected area and extends through the epidermis into the dermis. The body’s natural healing process allows new healthy tissue to replace the areas of affected ones, resulting in healthier, younger looking skin. 

Duane was also in the event to share his testimony. I know Duane and he used to wear makeup to cover his scars. Now, he only needs to apply sunblock. I was surprised!
The best part about Emege is there is no downtime – the treatment last for only 30 minutes.  I am sold! For the curious ones the session starts at Php 9,000.  
Aside from Emerge, Svelt’i also introduced a topical treatment called G Bright that gives skin instant glow. 
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
Svelt’i also offers Revlite for malasma and skin pigmentation, iCurve for fat reduction, Thermogenic for fat burning, Fermilift for urinary incontinence, and other body and facial treatments. 
Emerge: Most Effective Treatment for Acne Scars by Svelt'i
with Duane Bacon and Rodel Flordeliz

5th Floor South Insula Condominium 
No 61, Timog Avenue, Quezon City
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