Things That Make Me Happy (Lately) There are only a few people who can make me really laugh but it only takes simple things/gestures to make me happy. I had my “moment” last week and now I am back on the game: staying focused, and dismissing unnecessary thoughts. There are a lot of things that […]
Tag: My Life
I wish I could tell you exactly how I am feeling now – and I wish I could go back to the old times when I can blog about my feelings and thoughts – without worries and fears. I am not my usual self lately – and I hate myself for even entertaining these thoughts, […]
Even if I no longer work the traditional 8 to 5 (or 9 pm to 6 am) schedule, I still look forward to weekends. Weekend is when I have my me-time when I dedicate the day/s to pampering, doing new things, wasting time doing what I love or catching up with friends. When I embraced […]
When “Thank You” is More Meaningful than “I Love You” I am smiling looking at the reality and dreams. Siem Reap, Cambodia| November 2016 I was having a conversation with myself during the last day of the year and I realized that the sweetest and most meaningful thing you can say to someone, is not I […]
Every end of the year, I write a letter to myself and I read it the following (end of) the year. I always have a funny feeling whenever I read the letter – and I tell myself, “see, you had an awesome year!”. I don’t make plans. I don’t have a bucket list. I guess, […]