I received a big package from Huggies the other day and a pack of Huggies Dry Pants diapers. I have to check and double check that it was correctly addressed to me (it was!), because no one will use diapers at home, we don’t have kids.
When I got home, the first question that my mom asked me was, “why do we have Huggies diapers?” (she thought I am pregnant?). Haha
What I found inside is a doll – crying doll, and the instruction said that I have to change the baby’s tape-type diaper.
This would be the first time I would ever change a baby’s diaper. I am the youngest in the family, and I refused to change my niece and nephew’s diapers when they were babies 🙂 I decided to record the milestone! Haha
You wouldn’t believe what happened next..
Click Read More to see ..
PS. My mom is very happy at how cute and smart this doll is! 🙂