Yesterday’s event was all about the men, shaving and more men.

It was refreshing to visit Eastwood City again where the Gillette Shaving Challenge was held. Droves of men came to take the challenge and discovered that they are shaving the wrong way.
Boys Night Out hosted the event and our dear friend, #NognogintheCity was the first willing soul to take the challenge using the new Gillette Mach 3.

“The new Gillette Mach 3 Turbo delivers an exceptionally closer shave with less irritation, even on the most sensitive areas of the face – including the neck and jaw line and contour of the face. The technology reduces irritation and guarantees up to zero redness, thereby making the Filipino more at ease, and capable to tackle whatever challenge come their way,” says, P&G Philippines’ Chief Marketing Officer– Mr. Ramachandra Golikere.