A Singles Party. What was I doing in a Singles Party? Well, it was an invitation by a blogger friend, Earth Rullan who hosted the event with Clara Ole. So I clicked the “Going” button in the event invite to show my support – and brought another supportive friend (thank you, Ralph!).
I don’t usually attend parties. I have never been to a Singles Party. It is a choice – to not attend and to be single (I cannot believe I am talking about my love life and heart status on the blog. Haha. That’s part of my life that I want to keep private).
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Anyway, the #ClaraOleDateNight party was fun! There was a good spread of food – pasta, salad, fish fillet and muffin prepared with Clara Ole.
It was a surprise to know that Earth even had the time to cook and prepare some of the food – the penne pasta and muffin stuffed with Clara Ole Blueberry Syrup!.I know how busy she was preparing for the Bloggers United event in the morning and the Singles Party in the afternoon. Clara Ole products truly make cooking a lot more easier especially for condo-dwellers.
The Singles Party’s highlight was probably the Speed Dating. We previously hosted a Speed Dating event back when I was still working in a corporate but being part of the show was a different experience.
So we got to mingle and ask all the single people 1. the kind of attire they usually go for on a date (I said – anything goes!); 2. Ideal date plan (I said – movie and dinner. Or park, or beach!); 3. the kind of food that we go for (I said – pizza! the first thing that came to mind! Haha).
So from these questions, you would be able to know which guy or girl you feel more comfortable to go out with. I wonder who’s the perfect match?
Anyway, it was a great night for me because I got to spend time with my super friend. Life is a little crazy for me now. Yes it is awesome – it is too awesome, I need a break. It is good to have someone who can tell you the things that you needed to hear (thank you Ralph!). I wish to spend a little more time, but I will just see you next week! Enjoy your tea! 🙂
Thank you too Earth and Clara Ole for having me!
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