
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Why You Should Write Down Your Goals #TalaDreams

August 20, 2019
Why You Should Write Down Your Goals? #TalaDreams
A dream without a plan is just a wish, and Aladdin showed us that we need a magic lamp and a genie to make our wishes come true. I have been to some of the most amazing places in the world, but I still haven’t encountered a magic lamp – or even a flying carpet. 

I found myself throwing a coin on wishing wells, and writing down my goals on a lantern. I am that typical tourist who always wants to experience things. But I didn’t just let luck work its way for me. I carefully thought of my goals and worked on them. 
In life, I learned that a written goal is a lot more powerful – thank you to the TED Talks and inspirational articles I read online, and the occasional motivational quotes I see posted on Instagram Feed. I always love learning from the older generation and here I am now, sharing my wisdom from my mistakes. 
When I graduated from College, I was armed with that burning passion and dream to elevate my life in terms of skills and experiences.  In every work/job that I performed, I had a clear picture on my mind on what would be the “ending” would be like. I always say that I let the future surprise me, and the universe did surprise me with challenges. The stars always aligned, and I am blessed to have landed the promotions, the opportunities, and experiences I once dreamed of. I felt successful and happy that things fell into place just when I was ready, motivated and passionate. 
You can read one of my favorite achievements here: Interview with Ruth dela Cruz
But somewhere along the way, I felt lost. During those times when I would ask myself what is next, that was when the path on my mind met intersections. 

I read in an article that said, when you think about one of your goals or dreams, you are only using the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your imaginative center. But when you write down your goals, you are also tapping the power of your logic-based left hemisphere. 
I used to skip seminars and classes about goal-settings and vision board creations thinking I already know what I wanted to do in life. But when I started to write down my goals and accompanied with clear steps on how to achieve them, it made me more focused and mindful of the little decisions I make everyday. 

I still have a long way on reaching my big goals, but I love that seeing small results. Zero progress is still progress. 
Today, we have more advantage when it comes to fulfilling our dreams and being successful in the things that we want to do – thank you to the social media, online tutorials, apps, and information we can access with just one click. We can easily connect with people, showcase and promote our work, and even borrow money (to fund our business or #travelgoals). Truly, technology gives us access to success. 
Tala, the Philippines’ highest-rated mobile lending app, has helped countless people all over the world find their paths to success by lending them money and help customers build their financial identities. I think this app is amazing because I feel for people who had to work and earn money first, and delay their goals to start the business/passion they wanted (due to lack of funding). 

In its most recent effort to give people the power to aspire led them to Robinsons Galleria last
August 3 and 4 where they mounted #TalaDreams. It is an installation offered the public which gave them a chance to have their photos taken against a background that shows various videos representing different dreams; a digital painting of section where they can clearly put their aspirations into words, and; an area for taking photos to be turned into bag tags—so they can bring a reminder of the experience and goals with them anywhere they go. 
I think it is very much like how we pin and saved the quotes and photos that speak of our dreams and goals. 
If you are curious about Tala app, and looking for ways on how you can borrow money, you can download the Tala App here. 
What is your biggest goal this year? 
Follow me @ruthilicious for more stories, and witty yet motivational quotes.

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