
How I Became a #MayWard Fan

April 2, 2018

How I Became a #MayWard Fan | Maymay Entrata and Edward Barber It is strange, but it is true. I became an instant fan of #Mayward and now I am writing about how it all started. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I rarely write about the Entertainment Scene. […]

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Play Time and Outdoor Fun at Sandbox

April 16, 2014

I want to start this entry with a disclaimer. I am no thrill-seeker and a daredevil. I don’t always go out and look for exciting, new deadly things to do. But when the opportunity comes, it is always easy for me to say “yes”. I don’t want to live with regrets thinking how fun/exciting/deadly/exhilarating it […]

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