
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Pokemon Go Tips and Tricks + How to Stay Safe

August 9, 2016
pokemon go tips and tricks

Pokemon Go Tips and Tricks
The world went crazy when the Pokemon Go was launched. I got access to it before it was launched in the Philippines but I stopped playing the game (because I felt I am not being responsible using an authorized app). Until, a few days ago, Pokemon Go was launched in the Philippines and my feed was suddenly filled with stories and screenshots of Pokemon Go. 

I tried not to download and install the game. I thought, it is better to understand how everything works before I go for it. I joined my friends and battled the traffic in EDSA on our way home from the airport. Somehow, playing Pokemon Go makes a good distraction from traffic. They looked forward to Pokemon Stops and they had fun throwing balls and catching Pokemons in unsuspecting areas. 
I finally downloaded Pokemon Go (yey) and I feel like I am ready to catch them all and train them. The augmented reality game needs more than physical strength but also strategy to make the most of the Pokemon Go game. 
Choose Pikachu!  I wish I have known this before playing the game.  You can easily get Pikachu from the start of your game, simply ignore any of the starter Pokémon Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur, that might appear around you. Walk around for 3-5 times. Eventually Pikachu will appear and you will be able to capture the iconic Pokémon.
Form a team! – When you reach level 5 you have to choose which side you will be. Are you team Instinct, Mystic or Valor?  It’s best to form a team within your neighborhood or friends, this will give you better advantage to certain situations such as taking over Gyms, which allows you to gain prestige for your team, allowing more Pokémon from your team to defend the Gym. Plus, if one of your Pokémon is defending the gym, you can get Pokecoins for free every 21 hours your Pokémon is in the gym.
Transfer duplicate Pokémon for candy – I asked my friend (McPol) what to do with same kind of Pokemons? Well, you can transfer your weakest 9 Pidgeys to Professor Willow for Pidgey candies!
Eggs will make you travel – Who doesn’t want to travel? Hatching eggs will require you to travel a lot, make sure you always have an egg in the incubator to get the most of your travel. Eggs right now can hatch from distances of 10km, 5km or 2km depending on how rare the Pokémon is inside.
Level up fast – make the most out of your Pokemon adventure by using Lucky Eggs, which doubles the experience you gain from the game. Couple this with using lures or incense to catch more Pokemon. The more Pokemon you catch, the more experience you gain!
Items are not unlimited – Playing Pokémon Go in the early stage might get you carried away in your excitement to catch Pokémon. Just remember that Pokeballs and other items are not unlimited, so use them wisely. If you missed a Pokemon, click on the ball to recover it. 
When catching Pokémon, keep the Pokémon centered in your camera frame so you can catch them more accurately. Don’t worry though, Pokeballs can always be acquired in Pokestops, or if you do ever run out of Pokeballs, you can purchase in bulk using Pokecoins. Need Pokecoins?  On Globe you can easily buy more on Google Play via the hassle free Direct Carrier Billing so you can easily charge to your postpaid bill or prepaid credits!
Go to convergence areas for more Pokestops – Pokestops are there to provide you items to help you catch Pokémon, and can sometimes be spots where Pokémon can appear when lure modules are applied. Pokestops are most likely located in nearby convergence areas such as malls, parks, basketball courts or even mural paintings and statues. Pokestops refresh in a few minutes, so just keep on collecting items!
Watch out for Pokestops with lots of petals! This means that someone has activated a lure module in that Pokestop, and nearby Pokemon will be attracted to it for 30 minutes. You can activate this too by purchasing Lure Modules using Pokecoins.
Hint: You can check out for potential Pokestop and Pokémon Gym locations, as Pokémon Go uses the same data collected and used by the game Ingress, which is also developed by Niantic.

Always bring extra power – Playing Pokémon Go uses internet either through mobile data or WiFi, GPS to locate you and Pokémon nearby, and even your camera as part of the augmented reality experience, resulting to heavy battery drain when playing the game. It is best to always bring an extra power bank with you to keep your game going. 
Hydrate properly – Pokémon Go requires you to go around and explore your surroundings,  sometimes even walk or bike 10 kilometers just to hatch a Pokémon egg. I should have downloaded the game earlier – my friend caught some fun Pokemons while on the plane. It is best to always drink water and wear comfortable clothes. 
Have fun while staying alert  – Holding your phone in public can possibly attract thieves who may steal your phone. You might be also too distracted around you when you are enjoying too much of the game so be alert by keeping on the lookout from time to time!
I hope you find these tips helpful. 
Globe offers 7 free days of access of Pokémon Go via the Globe Switch app, so you can maximize your data and enjoy playing without worries.
So go, get your gear ready and catch ‘em all!

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