
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour

June 14, 2017
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
A quick 1.5 hour travel from Manila to Bocaue, Bulacan (where the Stevia Farm is located) led me to the discovery of a new health drink called PhilNONI, from a natural fruit native in the Philippines – Noni.

I’s been a while the last time I joined a farm tour and I was excited to do this with a different group. 
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
Who wears leather shoes in a farm tour? Only @rodmagaru 

Thank you President @RodelFlordeliz for taking care of us 😀 

PhilNONI Juice is an extract from the whole ripe fruit of the medicinal plant Noni tree which is enhanced by Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) known in the market as Sweet & Fit. We were welcomed by Dr. Tito Contado, a former professor of the UP College of Agriculture and retired UN FAO Senior Officer.
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
He is the man behind the wonder drink PhilNONI and I only need to see him in person and hear his stories to know that this drink does do the tricks. He looks strong and able for his age – even after recovering from a 6 heart by-pass in June 1999 using only the Noni Fruit Juice Supplement. 
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
Dr. Tito researched and studied the fruit and brought it in US for testing. After its production, the pure NONI juice extract, however has a strong taste and smell. To address this concern (and to make PhilONI much more pleasant experience), the team studied different ways of improving its taste without compromising its efficacy, stability and safety. 
The natural sweetener, Stevia, Sweet and Fit brand produced by Philippine Glorious Industries Development Corporation enhances the taste of the PhilNONI juice. Stevia is found to be zero glycermic index, zero calorie, zero carbohydrates and is 100 to 300 times sweeter than common table sugar. 

and so we toasted and cheered for healthier life. 
The PhilNONI con Stevia tastes a little sour but bearable. I wouldn’t mind drinking it everyday if it would make me stronger and healthier. It appears that it is even much affordable compared to other fruit juice supplements. 

The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
Benefits of PhilNONI con Stevia
Here are some of the health benefits of drinking PhilNoni con Stevia
1. multiple anti-oxidant functions
2. healthy weight loss
3. increase energy
4. slows down aging
5. younger-looking skin
6. helps boost immune system
7. helps prevent ddegenrative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer, etc. 
8. helps regulate blood pressure and blood circulation
9 helps regulates sleep and mood cycle with Melatonin and Seronin
You can say, I was excited to bring home a bottle and the good news at home. But first, we had our Stevia Farm Tour. 
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
Hi Gussiecakes!
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
Girl Talk (daw) with MJ De Leon
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour
The Health Benefits of PhilNoni Juice Drink + Stevia Farm Tour

PhilNONI con Stevia is now available in Mercury Drugstore. 
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