
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Bucket List | Celebrate New Year in Another Country

December 29, 2017
I remember my friend once asked me what my ultimate bucket list is. I told her I don’t make a list because I do not want to disappoint myself. She said that there must be something that I really want to do.
Before the year ends, I realized that I always wanted to celebrate or welcome the new year in another country. I thought it is something that is far to happen because (1) I usually celebrate New Year with my parents (2) we usually celebrate at home (3) the only way I could celebrate new year in another country is probably when I am already married or living on my own.
So when the opportunity to spend the new year in another country came, I was surprised that my parents are okay with it.
By the time you are reading this, I am probably en route to our new year destination. 🎆
Keep following @ruthilicious on Instagram and Twitter.

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