Does anyone remember Pupung? He just sent me a note and he wants to get featured in my blog. Just like Kengkoy – as Pupung would be the next featured comics character for Solo.
Now, don’t tell me that you are too young to know Pupung. You are missing a lot of good times and experiences.

Pupung is part of the Filipino culture – just like lugaw.
How do you best remember Pupung? It could be his family’s lugawan and their hilarious adventures that reflects the typical Pinoy family. Pupung is a lovable kid in the comics created by Tonton Young in 1983. The strip revolves around the family of Pupung and their hilarious adventures. The comics strip focuses on Philippine pop culture, fascination with basketball as well as business trends and rarely tackles political issues. Pupung became popular for its punchlines and the humor used in the strip is lighter than other Filipino comic strips which gives it a family-oriented theme. Up to this day, Pupung appears in Manila Bulletin and continues to make Pinoys laugh everyday. Pupung and all your fave characters from the strip, Mommy, Daddy, Lolo Dom, Day, Jordan, Lelong and Larry Bird will be immortalized in a pop collection!

Wondering who made Pupung? Washington “Tonton” Young was the creator of Pinoy Komiks icon ‘Pupung’ and author of ‘The Best of Pupung Vol. 1-11’.
Pupung was created in 1983 by Tonton Young and he was real. The real-life Pupung is Tonton’s 6-year old nephew, Jeff Young with a nickname Pupung. He chose the name Pupung for his comic strip title because it sounds cartoon. Pupung dad’s was created after his likeness in basketball. Just like Daddy, Tonton is a big basketball fan and was a self-confessed basketball buff during his teen years.

The comics strip revolves around the family of Pupung and their hilarious adventures. The story is based on Tonton’s everyday life, tending to his family’s restaurant business (like Lolo Dom and Dad), play basketball on weekends (just like all the characters in Pupung). The comics strip focuses on Philippine pop culture, fascination with basketball as well as business trends and rarely tackles political issues. Pupung became popular for its punchlines and the humor used in the strip is lighter than other Filipino comic strips which gives it a family-oriented theme. Up to this day, Pupung appears in Manila Bulletin and continues to make Pinoys laugh everyday.
Continuing the success of Solo Model Search, now it is bigger on its 4th year. Starting September, the search is on for two new faces of Solo to be officially unveiled in the Spring of 2013. Visit for contest details.

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