
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


My IPL Ace Treatment Experience at Strip Manila

January 31, 2014

Ah, underarm. It is treated like a private part – for most women. Most even conceal them more than their cleavage, and I cannot blame them. More than keeping it hairless (and scentless!), we also want them all smooth.

I previously had IPL treatment and completed series of sessions – and although it didn’t completely remove hair – I was happy that hair growth is now thinner The clinic who hosted the session says that I have better underarm condition than most of the customers they handled. Most, unknowingly murdered their underams by using too much chemicals, and products that harm the underarm.

Last week, I was introduced with a new IPL treatment called the IPL Ace. The service is only available in Strip Manila (yes, the Ministry of Waxing!). I love the Strip Manila! That’s where I buy my nippies! Hehe.

Click Read More to know more about IPL Ace..

What is special about this new IPL Ace Treatment?

  • Semi-permanent hair reduction
  • Reduction of the appearance of fine lines
  • Reduction of the appearance of broken capillaries
  • Reduction of the appearance of stretch marks
  • Brightening/lightening of pigmentation, e.g. darkened areas and brown spots
I got to speak with the wonderful people of Strip Manila, and we all agreed that undearms, although not dark, may have fine lines, chicken skin and thick skin. It happens because of skin trauma – from chemicals we use, rough shaving, and other things we do to murder our underam. They guaranteed that I will see the results on the first session. 
So that Saturday, I tried the new IPL Ace. How does IPL Ace Treatment work?

IPL Ace uses the same advanced IPL technology that Strip uses for permanent hair reduction. Heat is gradually built up to a target level to:
  • Permanently weaken hair follicles and retard hair growth
  • Contract and organise existing collagen to deliver immediate textural improvement
  • Stimulate natural cell repair response to produce new collagen for longer-lasting results

First, they prepared my underarm – removed deodorant, and shaved (some more). Then a cool gel was applied. The usual IPL treatment gives a snapping sensation from the machine/light, but with IPL Ace treatment, the machine is directly pressed in to the underam. It is heated and it gives a somewhat relaxing experience with the cool and warm sensation. The first pressing is for hair removal. 
After doing both underams, a new nozzle was used for the brightening effect. The session only lasted for less than 30 minutes. It was very quick. To relax the skin, the Ice Cream is applied. It is a product also available in the Strip Manila. 

I was advised that I should not swim, do sauna, or take a hot shower for 24 hours after the treatment. I love that it doesn’t give an itchy after-effect that I experienced during the normal IPL treatment I have taken. 

The Result of IPL ACE Treatment
They were not kidding and hard-selling the service when they said I can see the result in the first session! I did! My underarm skin looked tighter and smoother. I wish I could post a pic (but I treat my underam as private part! Haha). 
How Many Sessions to See the Results?
It is recommended to complete up to 4th session and for best result go for 6 sessions. You will see 10 to 15% results in the first treatment. You can come back every 4 weeks (for face treatment) and 5 to 6 weeks for body treatments. 
IPL Ace Treatment Price
Full Face Php 22,500
Underarm Php7,500
Brazilian Php22,500
Half Leg (bottom) Php18,750
A bit expensive, but it is all worth-it! 
I am so happy with the results, and I am planning to continue the session. You can watch the presentations below for more information on the IPL Ace Treatment by Strip Manila. Please note that Strip got the license to buy the machine for this treatment, so you only need to go to this salon to avail of this treatment 😉 
Thank you so much Strip Manila team for bringing and introducing the IPL Ace Treatment in Manila. Will see you guys again! 
Will you try this new IPL Ace Treatment?
What are your thoughts on this new treatment?
You can learn more about STRIP IPL ACE:
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If you are reading this post somewhere, it is originally written by Ruth and published in

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