I always wear my hair down and it is so easy to maintain because I can “wash and wear” it.
Palmolive sent me a #bloggermail that allows me to let my hair down and do the hagod.
I can’t get enough conditioner! I use different ones to make the hagod run smoothly. Hagod is the act of involves running her fingers through the hair – stroking it from the roots to the tips.
Most of the time I just let my hair tuck neatly behind my ear. I felt that always touching one’s hair is a sign of insecurity (?) . I unconsciously did it when my crush was around (past tense!) But recently, I heard that hagod is signature move of the modern, independent woman. It signals that she is ready to let her hair down and face whatever is coming her way.
Whatever hagod means – a way to conceal shyness or a sexy way to boost one’s confidence, it is good to have a hagod smooth hair.
Palmolive Naturals Conditioner ensures her hair is always hagod-soft and hagod-ready from day to night. Its formula, infused with 100% natural extracts and micro-moisturizers, penetrates deep into hair. With continued use, Palmolive Naturals Conditioner gives hair long-lasting softness, every woman will want to do the hagod from day to night. Plus, it has Palmolive’s signature, long-lasting fragrance, releasing an irresistible scent with every stroke.
What ever your hagod-move means, always feel confident with smooth hair.
Share your Palmolive Hagod on www.facebook.com/PalmoliveNaturals and use the hashtags #ItoangHagodKo and #PalmoliveHagod.
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If you are reading this post somewhere, it is originally written by Ruth and published in www.ruthdelacruz.com.