
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Bengal Brew, Wolf & Bear | Cat and Dog Cafe

June 23, 2017
bengal brew review

When you love cats and your friends love dogs – and you cannot decide which pet cafe to go to, you meet halfway. We met at Bengal Brew, Wolf and Bear Cafe in Manhattan Garden, Cubao, a cat and dog cafe in one. 

I always love cats. They look loving, sweet and can be a little snob, too. I always think of borrwoing friends’ pet cats (because mom doesn’t approve having pets at home). I love cats but I don’t want to own one – I don’t want to get too attached. 
Dogs are fun, too. But I am afraid of dogs (really!). I get really nervous around dogs even if they just want to play with me (hint: they wiggle their tails). I always get nervous when they start to get “physical” and I fear they might bite (for no reason). 
Bengal Brew Cat and Dog Cafe houses a tropical rainforest playground for its Bengal Cats – the breed that resembles a leopard. True to its inhabitats, the place is all spots and prints of leopard.

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You need to pay a minimal amount to get in – your choice of number of hours and food and drinks. 
Guests are asked to leave their shoes outside and to wear socks (bring your own) and slippers. 

Here’s the Bengal Brew Cafe Menu and Price List:

bengal brew review
We found most of the cats sleeping while others were just as curious to their guests.

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bengal brew review

At the inner part of the place is the door that leads to where the dogs are. Bengal Brew Dog Cafe houses different dog breeds like Alaskan Malamute, Akita Inu, St. Bernard, Siberian Husky, New foundland, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Pug, Cotton de Tulear, Toy Poodle, Standard Poodle

Italian Greyhound, Teacup Pomerenian, Jack Russel Terrier, Bichon Frise. I sounded like a dog expert but they are all dogs to me. 

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bengal brew review

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bengal brew review
Some of them are pretty playful  (which got me really scared). They are big dogs and I was worried they could knock me out if they kept on playing and chasing each other around. 
I really tried conquering my fear (of dogs) but I think somehow they could feel when humans are not comfortable near them. Some just refused of interact with me. Haha. 
bengal brew review
Missed you #A and #L

Part of me wants to get a pet – especially after seeing all the lovely videos of dogs in Facebook – but I hate to be too attached.

Love our visit at Bengal Brew – except that there is too strong smell inside. I think the 2-hr playtime we took is just enough for me.

Bengal Brew, Wolf & Bear | Cat and Dog Cafe 
Manhattan Parkview, 
General Malvar Ave, Cubao,
 Quezon City, 1109 Metro Manila

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