
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


100 Life Lessons for Success (Plus 1 Life Lesson from Me!)

December 5, 2013

I have 10 thousand books to read. Ok, it is an exaggeration. I have 10 thousand pages to read.

When I handed my resignation letter, I made a to-do list in my head, and I was excited to include – Read More Books on the list. So I checked my box of unread books..

Just when I was ready to start a new book, Mr. Postman came and handed me this – 100 Life Lessons for Success – a book by Myke Celis, an advertising executive turned book author.

Also on the pic, 

I started flipping through pages, and the book showed me some nice quotes. I am not the type who usually read about quotes and those fancy insightful status messages in Facebook – BUT I realized that most of the life lessons in the book are something that I do live up to. Unknowingly. 
I don’t have a perfect life, but I am happy. Most of the time 🙂
People I met say that they read about this book, and seen this beautiful movie and they say they are life-changing. I was joking and asking them how many times have your life changed because of the recent book that you have read or movie that you have seen? I think I only have one experience that really changed my life. I documented it here – Ruth Goes to Makassar.
I love reading books that help me become a better person, and I picked up some good stories that I can apply in my life. Reading books (and blogs), meeting people and traveling – it makes you feel like a smaller person, and you become a better man. 
Anyway, sharing some nice quotes from the book that I can so much relate to:
Success in Workplace

Click Read More to read more life lessons..

 Success in Friendship

I don’t really have issues about friendship, that is why it makes me sad when I see status messages about friendship, and betrayal. I am happy to have met awesome friends.

I learned though that you will have a friend who you can share your darkest secrets with, who can make you laugh, who you can cry to, and get drunk with. But that doesn’t mean the rest are not real friends.

Success in Life

If I may add, success and happiness are not the end goal, it is enjoying the journey 🙂

Success in Money

I love it!

I seriously don’t have issues with money. I know there are some people who still owe me some, but I just thought that God will provide – I lose some but God is always watching, and I am happy to say that it never came to a point that I have drained my bank account 🙂

Success in Aging
I shouldn’t really feel guilty of my real age. I should be proud that at this age, I have experienced alot of great things. Now, can you guess what my real age is? 🙂

This is an awesome booklet which makes a good Holiday gift.

And before I end this post, I want to share my own learning about success:

Success is not about holding the highest job title, but enjoying the journey and doing the things that you love, and loving the things that you don’t. Celebrate small accomplishments and always compete with no one but yourself 🙂

– Ruth dela Cruz

(okay, I feel like a philosopher! ;))

100 Life Lessons for Success is availlable in National Bookstore, Fully Booked and Powerbooks for only Php115.00.

See more of awesome books at

What are your current reads? 🙂

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If you are reading this post somewhere, it is originally written by Ruth and published in

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