If there is anything I love about myself most, it is how I can easily let loose of the kid in me and care less about looking foolish. The Minnie Mouse on top of Alliyah’s birthday cake and a couple of kids got to witness the kid in me two weeks ago. I attended a […]
Tag: Personal
Happy New Year! It is my official entry for 2014. I have been itching to launch blogger, but I thought I would start the year right by doing a little cleaning and de-cluttering. I started with the things that I see – in my room. I am sure you have read alot of articles and lists […]
I fell inloved with her. Okaaaay.. that doesn’t sound right. I am still a girl, the last time I checked. What I really wanted to say is that, I became a convert and an instant fan! It is not actually very hard to like and adore Allison, with her big doe eyes and charming personality. […]
It is the first Saturday Sunday of the year – and I can still greet everyone a Happy New Year! (yes?) Holiday break was a little busy for me – but it was busier when I got back to the office – especially that I have to shift my body clock. I am glad that […]
I dropped dead as soon as I got home yesterday. It was a fun and productive day. I attended 3 events – all happened in Pampanga. If someone will ask me to describe it, it is heart-warming, motivating and fun. I was late for the 7:00 AM call time but the team was kind enough […]
I started this draft last week, and only got to finish today.. So, the weekend is over. Almost. Unfortunately for us who support Canada expats, we do not follow Philippine holiday. Long weekend will rarely happen. Tomorrow, back to the office. I had already accepted the difficulties of this work, but I wish I could […]
 Last night was the last leg of the New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys concert series, and they said they chose Manila to end the tour. It is weird that I am feeling a little sad, and disappointed. I want more! There is nothing to look forward to [ugly cry ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜]. Yeah, another New […]
Excited for New Kids on the Block x Backstreet Boys Manila Concert Tonight!
June 3, 2012I got tons of other things and topics to blog, but I have to put them at the bottom of my list. I just want to write about my excitement for the New Kids On the Block x Backstreet Boys NKOTBSB concert in Manila tonight! When I told my friends I am watching the show, they […]
I have been meaning to blog about it since last week, but schedule had been crazy. How do I start this blog? I’ll try with disclaimer – I am not a model. Although I did some shows back in College, I do not want to tag the term to my name. Wherever I go and […]
IBM CSC Team Indonesia 3: The People from Different Countries Who Changed and Inspired Me – You Guys Are Missed!
April 9, 2012A blog series about my in-country assignment to Makassar for IBM Corporate Service Corp. Follow along https://www-146.ibm.com/corporateservicecorps/ #ibmcsc #teamindonesia3 Blog written/started on April 7th – Saturday I am sitting here in seat 06B of Philippine Airlines aircraft bound from Singapore to Manila. It’s all over now. It is funny that I almost missed my flight – […]