
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!

November 4, 2017
Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!

Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!
I used to tell my friends that I do not have a bucket list (simply because, I don’t want to feel disappointed when things didn’t go as planned).  I just always let the future surprise me with opportunities. I am lucky to have experienced a lot of “once-in-a-lifetime” moments. Check out my Bucket List Series (I am constantly updating)

Here are some life adventures that you should add on your bucket list! 
Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!
Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!
Cross the Abbey Road Intersection
Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!
Why You Should Start Working on Your Bucket List and How!
Before the year ends, I started making lists – mostly things I need to do and accomplish. Little random things just like decluttering (check out my new fave room decors!) and reconneting with friends. It gives me a sense of fulfillment whenever I get to tick them off. I realized that listing bigger dreams and wishlists would motivate me to keep going, work harder and stay focused. 
Aside from browsing through blogs and pages, here are some ways to get you started and to motivate you to be the person you always want to be:

1. Start a Bucket List Journal
Keeping a journal where your wish-list (?) or life goals are readily visible and carefully mapped out (think pages upon pages of goal-setting dream boards) is a great step toward turning your bucket list into a reality. You can write or attach here promo fares, travel packages, or “pegs” for future reference. Journaling is also a great way to keep track, store, and immortalize your list’s journey from dream to reality!

2. Download a Bucket List App
Don’t have time to start a journal? Want to have—and manage—your bucket list with a swipe of the finger? There’s an app for that! There are several bucket list apps for Android and iOS that will help you track, organize, label, and even categorize your goals, dreams, and projects. These apps allow you update completion status for each item, attach photos and motivational quotes to keep you inspired, and share your bucket list with friends on social media.

3. Join promos and contests
What will you lose if you join a million contests and promos? Nothing! So go ahead and try it. There are actually a lot of stuff online that can help you achieve your bucket list. You can get discounts for your travel bucket list or win a free course. On Facebook, there is an ongoing bucket list contest on FWD Life Philippines’ FB page (
When you win, you’ll be given the chance to actually do your bucket list! (Get Fit, Start a Business, Go Scuba Diving, Make an Indie Film, Make Your First Million, Create Your Own Restaurant Brand, etc.). 
There is really no harm in trying. Go for it. 
This post is in partnership with FWD Life Philippines. 

Get more tips and inspiration from my Travels. 

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