
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


How to Grow Vegetables at Home: Free Online Courses

April 22, 2020
How to Grow Vegetables at Home: Free Online Courses
How to Grow Vegetables at Home: Free Online Courses

If you find yourself googling “how to grow vegetables at home“, I am with you. 

I am still learning and researching ways on how to grow and care for my plants. 
Blogging has given me an awesome opportunity to visit organic farms in the Philippines and learned from local farmers about the benefits of growing your own vegetable garden. It didn’t occur to me that this time would come that access to food would be limited due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. 
My mom and I tried many times to grow vegetables from seeds and kitchen scraps, but it was only last month that I dedicated myself to make “gardening” a part of my daily routine. I think it is beautiful to care for a “living thing” – in this case – living things. Seeing the first sign of life is rewarding and fulfilling. 

You can watch one of my vlogs:

With the extension of the enhanced community quarantine, now is as good a time as any to expand
one’s knowledge and try other ventures such as farming. Through the “e-Learning for Agriculture and Fisheries” of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), this is possible for thousands of Filipinos without having to leave their own homes.
Launched in 2007, e-Learning is a component of the e-Extension Program of ATI, the training and
extension arm of the Department of Agriculture (DA). The program offers alternative means of gaining new knowledge about farming for free.
With the need to increase food production efforts amid the fight against a global pandemic, e-Learning is seen to boost the DA’s nationwide promotion of urban agriculture and community farming under the “Plant, Plant, Plant” Program. Over 92,700 Filipinos are currently registered in the e-Learning site—a huge increase from the 87,200 enrollees recorded before the quarantine measures were in place. At present, there are more than 60 online courses offered for free, which cover crops livestock and poultry, fisheries, social technology, and sustainable agriculture.
Some of the e-Learning courses are on basic urban gardening, Good Agricultural Practices for vegetable production, and production technologies for straw mushroom, tomato, banana, citrus fruits, and yam, among others. Basic beekeeping, goat-raising, and quail production courses are also available through the portal.
Under the social technology category, courses on product costing, marketing, food safety, and even effective human communication and community organizing may be accessed. Sustainable agriculture practices such as the production of organic fertilizers, vermicompost, and mokusaku (wood vinegar) are also open to interested users.
Depending on one’s pace, most of the courses can be completed within a day. After which, the e Learner receives an electronic certificate that can be downloaded from the site.

Interested individuals may visit to create an account and enroll in any chosen course. For questions and concerns, chat with the ATI e-Learning team through or text the Farmers’ Contact Center at 0920-9462474. (Erika Vizcarra, ATI- Information Services Division)
I am sharing the list of Courses below for your reference: 

1. Sweet Hairy Balls Rambutan Production
2. Juan and Coffee Talk: Robusta Coffee Production
3. LET’s Grow KAMATIS: Tomato Production Guide
4. Cassavay sa Pag-asenso: Roots of Productivity (CASSAVA1)
5. CASSAVAy sa Pag-asenso: Primary Processing and its Market (CASSAVA2)
6. Rise and Grind: Coffee Processing as an Enterprise (COFFEE3)
7. Good Agricultural Practices for Vegetable Production (GAP1)
8. Cultivating Earth’s Sweet Crop: The Sweet Potato (SweetPotato1)
9. Adlay Adds Life: Introduction to Adlay Production & Product Development(Adlay1)
10. Jackfruit Nursery Management (Jackfruit2)
11. Gold in Grains: Cultural Management for Soybean (Soybean1)
12. Queen Pineapple Production and Postharvest Technology (Pineapple2)
13. Online Course on Mechanized Rice Transplanting Technology (Mech3)
14. Basic Urban Gardening (Urban1)
15. Managing Common Diseases in Banana (Banana1)
16. Saving The Lost Harvest: Introductory Course On Rice Post Production Technologies (Mech2)
17. Abaca Nursery Establishment and Management (Abaca3)
18. Treasure in Threads: Pinya Fiber Processing (Pineapple1)
19. Cultural Management Practices of Abaca (Abaca1)
20. Abaca Pest Management (Abaca2)
21. Growing Bamboo for Profit and a Healthy Environment(Bamboo1)
22. Integrated Pest Management for Banana (Banana2)
23. Growing Banana in the Tropics (Banana3)
24. Citrus Growing: A Promising Enterprise (Citrus1)
25. Savoring the Green Brew: Arabica Coffee Production (Coffee1)
26. From Seed to Seed: Online Course on Corn Production (Corn1)
27. Growing Durian the Better Way (Durian1) [OFFLINE]
28. Production of High Value Crops in Greenhouse (Greenhouse1)
29. Jackfruit Production (Jackfruit1).
30. Go Mango, Hit the Jackpot! Online Course on Mango Production (Mango1) [OFFLINE]
31. Increasing Corn Farm Productivity through Mechanization Technologies (Mech1)
32. Straw Mushroom Growing: A Viable Agri-Enterprise (Mushroom1)
33. Growing Vanda and Vandaceous Orchids (Orchid1)
34. Yummy Yam: Ubi Production (Yam1)

1. Basic Beekeeping (BEE1)
2. Advanced Beekeeping (BEEKEEPING 2)
3. Establishing Feed Resources for Your Goats (Goat1).
4. Starting a Slaughter Goat Enterprise (Goat2)
5. Technological Alternatives to Traditional Goat Breeding (Goat3)
6. Technological Alternatives to Traditional Feeding Management (Goat4).
7. Technological Alternatives to Traditional Herd Health (GOAT5)
8. AI at Your Cervix: Artificial Insemination Course for Raisers (GOAT7)
9. AI at You Cervix: Artificial Insemination Course for Technicians (GOAT8)
10. Meetylicious Meeh: Slaughtering and Cutting Standards for Goat (GOAT9)
11. Hail the Quail. Online Course on Quail Production (Quail1)
12. Walang Aray sa AI: Artificial Insemination in Pigs (Pig1)
13. Mastering the ABCs of Pig Production (Pig2)

1. Taste the Creamiest Cream Dory: Online Course on the Culture and Utilization of
2. Pangasius (Pangasius1)
3. Seaweed Farming (Seaweed1)

1. Product Costing Made Easy (PTTC-COSTING1)
2. Food Safety in Trade (PTTC-FOOD1)
3. Online Course on Training Management (TM1)
4. Lika! Usap Tayo: Effective Human Communication and Human Relations (COMM1)
5. Getting the Big Bucks: Guide to Grant Proposal Writing (Writing1)
6. Changing People’s Lives Through Effective Extension Delivery (EDS1)
7. Working Together Works: An Online Course on Community Organizing (CommOrg1)
8. Basic Agricultural Marketing Extension (Agrimark1)

1. Growing Carrot the Natural Way (CARROT1)
2. Improving Quality of Life: Growing Rice Organically (ORICE1)
3. Climate Change 101: Understanding Climate Change in Agri-Fisheries (CC101)
4. Mokusaku: Wood Vinegar Production (WOODVIN1)
5. Online Course on Organic Fertilizer for SA (Organic1)
6. Vermicomposting: Turning Trash to Cash (Vermi1)
7. Green Farming with Integrated Rice-Duck Farming (IRDFS1)
8. DEMO COURSE- Insects Away the Alternative Way (APM1)

I hope you find this helpful. 
Keep growing. 

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